Four incredible months in Barcelona, finally over. Leaving was bitter-sweet to say the least. I came to Spain with a short list of things I wanted to see and do... and somehow I managed to avoid many of them (e.g. go to Berlin and Morocco), but somehow at the same time, I was able to have more fun, make more friends, host more afterhours, drink more wine and eat more bocadillos then I could have EVER IMAGINED. When all is said and done, I think the trip far exceeded expectations in every possible way. A big reason for that was having KJ there as a partner in crime and making some new friends that will be with me for life (you know who you are). All that craziness and no deportation, only one visit from the police and no injuries. Well almost... more on that later.
After all of the fall madness on Caller d'Arago, we had to throw one last bash to go out in style. I promised it was going to be a tame night for listening to music, drinking wine and saying goodbye to the good friends we had made. We made good on all those promises except of course for the first. I know it's hard to believe, but things got a little nutty in No. 6a with the typical goofiness and KJ swinging me around the room. We even had one last visit from the neighbors who seemed delighted to let us keep making party when they heard it was our last night in Spain. I'm fairly certain the entire building let out a collective breath when they saw us wheeling our big suitcases down the street those last days. We also decided to dance on our countertop one last time... a decision we've come to regret due to a hairline fracture and a likely-to-be-lost security deposit. Party karma is such a bitch!
Having been Stateside for the past few days, I've had a chance to think back on all of the incredible memories we made during our semester on exchange (yes, we actually were there for school, people!)... and I can honestly say we made the absolute most of an incredible opportunity. Siesta y fiesta!! The soundtrack will be available stay tuned (seriously).