Believe it or not, I had never been to San Francisco before last week! So when I heard my first official work trip would be out west I was especially excited. Unfortunately I was on lock down every minute of every day, so I didn't get a chance to see any of the sights. However, not even the j-o-b could hold me back at NIGHT.

Thursday night I hit up Craig Richards at underground spot, Mighty. I got a chance to catch up with Craig for a few minutes before he went on and re-introduced myself as the birthday-having, headdress-wearing, bible puppet-toting loco that he last saw running around Bar 13 in April. He laughed and said he remembered me and we reminisced about what will probably go down as one of the best parties of 2007. His set in San Fran was prototypical dirty Craig and the Thursday night crowd was definitely up for it. Mighty is a great club with the biggest speaker stacks I've seen in a long while! Thanks to the fine people of the San Fran underground that I met, especially Jason from Auralism.
[all day spent working - uggg]

Friday night I did the b-school thing and met up with a friend from exchange in Barcelona as well as a bunch of Kellogg heads at The Bubble Lounge. I got slightly bored with the clientele so I initiated a pillow fight and made everyone who passed by shake their a$$. After that I met up with boys at a place called Pink where, to my surprise, Miss Honey Dijon was rockin the decks. She tore it up and I let her know that NYC was in the house.
[all day spent at a conference - gag]

Halloween Saturday. As someone who gets dressed up on a regular basis, you'd think I'd go all out on Halloween. But for whatever reason I can never seem to get my shit together in time. This year was no different and thank god I had Julie and Gal on the mission, because I was stuck at work all day without a minute to spare for costume shopping. Gal and five other boys spent most of the weekend slaving away over fabulous costumes for Orgy, The Gladiator Ball (our destination for the evening). We gathered near The Castro for a pre-game, a viewing of the movie 300 and last minute costume alterations before heading to 525 Harrison, a massive club in SoMa. We made our way in, warmed up the dance floor a bit and then got ready for the costume contest. Right before we went up on the stage, I proposed adding a bit of theater to our grand entrance. So, the boys all went up on stage and were getting introduced by the drag queen hostess while Julie and I waited in the wings. Right when it got quiet, we bum-rushed the stage and started slaying and castrating the boys. Let's just say the crowd, the hostess and the judges (one of which was Davis from the Real World Denver) loved it. We got third place after two amazing contestants (Gladiola and a character from 300). We were happy with our victory and leveraged our time on stage into dance floor notoriety for the rest of the night. There was, however, one guy who took home the unofficial prize...holy sh*t (see picture).
[all day spent at a conference - ouch]
Sunday night I actually took it easy and met up with an old friend from high school before crawling into bed exhausted around midnight. After that, I wrapped up the conference and finished up the trip with an incredible meal at Citiscape, the restaurant on the 46th floor of the Hilton, which overlooks the entire city.
[all day spent at a conference - uggh]
Check out the rest of the pics from Saturday night below.