Detroit and Berlin in consecutive weekends... ahh, it's tough being an international party rocker! I got to Berlin at 10am Friday morning and took the bus to the Park Inn at Alexanderplatz to meet my friend Esteban who had flown in from Paris. [Many of you probably remember Esteban from previous adventures in Costa Rica, London and Barcelona.] After we checked into our 34th floor- corner suite- pimp palace in the sky we spent the afternoon eating, napping and riding bikes around Mitte Scheunenviertel and Prenzlauer Berg. After a few hours of exploring the city, we ate dinner and then went back to the hotel to greet Sami (also in from Paris) and KJ (in from London). We spent some time drinking and catching up in the hotel before meeting up with a few more Frenchie friends and a newly local Berliner that I had met last summer in New York.
The first stop of the night was a loft party on the 5th floor of a seemingly abandoned building which provided the exact graffiti-riden, gritty setting I had expected from Berlin. The loft was fully equipped with a bumpin sound system and a few locals pre-gaming. As Sami and Megan were introducing me to everyone, the host started shouting and gesturing in my direction. It turns out he had recognized me from Detroit... apparently I had nailed him in the forehead with my marshmallow blaster at DEMF...ha! He also happens to be the dear friend of NYC promoter, Minimoo Jenny... small, small world. We spent a few hours meeting people, listening to tunes and having photo shoots in the incredibly ghetto bathroom before making our move to our first club of the weekend, Watergate.
Watergate is a wicked split level club right on the River Spree. The upstairs is a dark and dirty mid-sized room with an extremely unique LED lighting strip that starts behind the DJ booth and goes all the way across the room's ceiling. The downstairs room has floor to ceiling plate glass windows overlooking the river - the view was beautiful at night and even better when the sun came up (at 4:30am!). And finally, the club has an outdoor terrace area that sits right on the river's edge and serves as the chillout area. I've included photos from the club's website so you can get an accurate representation of the scene. Clubs in Berlin are EXTREMELY vigilant with their no cameras policy (PRIVACY PLEASE!) so any snaps we did get were sneaky shots by KJ. The Friday we were there was Mo's Ferry night featuring Dapayk and friends. The night took a bunch of interesting turns (some of which aren't fit for print) but the highlights were as follows:
--Building a massive straw and sipping a drink from 4 ft away (Sami!) --The dirty mo*fo mini rabbit smoking cigarettes on the patio --Picking up some chick from LA and nearly tossing her in the river --Quizzing party goers about how many straws it would take to retrieve a pirate flag hung on the top of a nearby building --KJ and Esteban's stomachs of steal --Chatting with new friends from the UK and Berlin --Straw sword fighting perfect strangers --KJ passing out and Esteban putting twists in her hair
We spent a ton of time downstairs and on the outside patio enjoying the incredible weather and then finally decided to call it quits sometime around 9am. Sometime Saturday evening we rolled out of bed to return our rented bicycles and grab an authentic German dinner of sausage and lard. After that we showered, goofed around and met up with Sami, Megan, Roman and Damian at the Weekend Club rooftop (which is on the 12th floor of an old office building). We took in the view and a few drinks and then headed over to Club der Visionaere a riverside, outdoor club where I was meeting, Bill Patrick (Robots NYC) who just recently relocated to Berlin. Billy and I spent a couple hours catching up and enjoying the chill vibe and then around 2am the crew decided to make a move to one of Berlin's best clubs, Berghain/Panorama Bar. Unfortunately we got rejected at the door for no good reason. It seems that trying to enter with 7 non-Germans was enough for them to think we were regular tourists instead of party pilgrims. We were gutted not to get to experience the infamous power plant-turned club but decided to grab some zzz's and resume the party in the morning for afterhours.
We got up bright and early to go to another outdoor, riverside hot spot (Bar 25) which goes non-stop from Friday until sometime Monday morning. This place cannot even be described as a club - it's more of a wooden, cracker club house outfitted with broken glass, ripped couches, a bumper car, kiddie horse ride, photo booth and other misc. items and furniture. It's almost like the low-budget but better version of Miami's Pawn Shop. We spent the day rockin out to beats while party goers jumped into the river and tourist boats passed and waved with puzzled looks. Sometime in the late afternoon I looked up and saw an old party pal, Rozby, walking toward me. Rozby and I originally met back in 2006 while I was living in Barcelona. My friend, Andy, had invited me to go to the M2 Festival in Zaragoza with him and his German buddies, one of which was Rozby (who was visiting from Berlin). Yet again, it's a small world for the global party elite. Sadly the weekend had to end for me sometime in the late afternoon when I had to leave the party to head to the airport. It's always tough to call it quits and this time was no different...but at least I wasn't headed home... I was off to Istanbul!
For the third straight year I made the pilgrimage to the techno equivalent of Mecca, Detroit, and joined my fellow robots in submission to the electronic music gods. This year I arrived on Saturday evening, checked into the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center (overlooking the festival) and then walked over to meet Nora and Karen and pop my corn dog cherry for 2008. We caught a little Deadmau5 live, Alex Smoke live and Alex Under live (awesome!). Musically it was a nice start to the festival and on the social tip, I even ran into old Chicago buddy, Jeff (and his crew), for good measure. I vowed to take it easy on the night time after parties in an effort to save myself for the main event Monday morning and so I retired directly after the midnight end to the festival.
Sunday we got up around 10am and decided to skip the Resolute afterhours (questionable!) in favor of a ride on the People Mover and a yummy lunch in Greektown. As a side note, Nora was hitting the bottle early and often on Sunday - you know, that milky pink stuff? Ewww! After lunch we lounged on the grass in the back of the hotel overlooking the river and listened to the masterful track selection of iPod DJ Doubledip (that would be me) until we were ready to hit up the festival. We cruised over in the late afternoon, this time with props in hand and the now infamous "I <3 Corn Dog Techno" sign. Needless to say, it was a big hit with party goers many of whom made a point to come get their photos taken. My marshmallow blaster was also a hysterical addition to the day with the first and most impressive victory scored directly into the mouth of my friend, The Jass.
My day was spent mostly in the Beatport tent catching Matthew Hawtin, Konrad Black, Heartthrob live, Paco Osuna (good!), Magda (awful!), Richie Hawtin (decent) and then over to the main to close it out to Carl Craig live (ridiculous!). It's always a pleasure to catch Carl but this time he was playing live with some old school jazz musicians he had flown in for the event. Definitely a highlight of the festival for me and can only really be compared to the Laurent Garnier live set I heard at I Love Techno 2006. I also had a chance to meet up with new Belgian friend, Lieven, whose introduction came by way of a comment he made on this blog. I love the dance music scene! After the festival ended I made the unpopular decision to skip the Temporary Tattoos party thrown by good buddies from New York and Denver. It turned out to be a good decision as I got some well needed sleep and I later found out some dude got shot outside the club. Gotta love Detroit! I will offer one final apology to Taimur, Fahad, Larry and Memo - I'll make it up to you boys!
Memorial Day Monday... the day I had been anticipating for months. I got up at 8am and rallied the crew (including Nora who was on her death bed the night before) for the main event - Need I Say More, Part 3 @ The Old Miami. Last year's party was definitely in my top 3 of 2007 and I had big expectations going into DEMF 2008. Let's just say that Seth Troxler and Ryan Crosson (the hosts for the day) did not disappoint. In fact, this year was bigger and better despite what I'd consider *relatively* low energy sets by Jan Krueger, Ryan Elliot and Troy Pierce. But as most of you know, that didn't stop me from MAKING (legendary) PARTY! We arrived around 9am with a massive bag full of props and quickly went to work creating a Prop HQ and building a museum quality prop sculpture that would be marveled at all day long. It would be impossible for me to try to recap the exact happenings of the day so I'll just provide a few highlights and show the pictures (which are worth a few million words).
--Collecting enough BAD IDEAS to last me until next year --Blasting marshmallows at every god damn person within a half mile of The Old Miami --Dusting coochies --Insisting everyone listen to the yodeling pickle --Googly-eye-ing everything in sight (Nora!) --Watching the lawn come alive with the sound of music (oh and the fence melt, too) --Getting lubed publicly by Shelley and laughing my a$$ off the entire time --Awarding Detroit the 2008 Cracker Olympics and being the first cracker decathlete (specialty in coochie duster javelin) --Swinging on the swing (Karen!) --Looking for my long lost husband from last year's party --Getting my gun re-loaded, my coochie dusted and my neck rubbed (simultaneously) by my hangers-on --Inventing three new genres of music: Corn Dog Techno, Yodel House and Horn House --Making new friends from St. Louis --Finding one of the reindeer that fled Santa at last year's party
Nora and I were the last of the crew at The Old Miami and reluctantly left in time to shower and get over to the festival to catch Lee Burridge (good!), Josh Wink (very good!) and Dubfire (surprisingly good!). The sound at the main stage was ridiculously harsh so sadly I bailed for the night without thrashing in the electronic mosh pit for Speedy J and Oscar Mulero. No complaints though - the day was off the hook. I climbed into bed around midnight only to get up 4 hours later to head to the airport for my lovely 6am flight from Detroit straight into work. To add one more hysterical story to the weekend... my pickle decided to start yodeling in my bag as I was approaching the silent, bleary-eyed travelers sitting at the gate. There was nothing I could do, say or gesture to explain the extremely strange noise coming from my person so I just smirked, put my sunglasses on and sat down. Ha!
No rest for the wicked's off to Berlin for more techno on Thursday!
Photo credits:, Nora, Karen Hotel credit: Nora Partner in crime credits: Nora, Karen, Joel, Betty, Nancy, Liar, Reds
I always have busy weekends but this time I decided to cram all of the week's activities into ONE DAY. I started things off on the charitable tip with my mom, my mom's neighbor and 11 other friends at the Revlon Run/Walk for Women's Cancer. I raised over $1,000 thanks to a bunch of generous friends and co-workers and got to spend the morning walking from Times Square through Central Park. The weather could have been better but the company and the cause made it all worth while. Many thanks to Mom & Kathy for making the trip to the city and to all of the other great people who participated (Chrissy, Krista, Alla, JP, Tracey, Adelma, Yim, Martin, Jackie) and donated (Shannon, Ioulia, Drew & Jen, Leks, Mish, Allison, Mike, Billy, Justin & Jilly, Jamie, Emma, Michelle, Jaime, Eric, Ellen, Colby, Shane, Christina, Eileen, Kim, PJ, Colleen, Jenn & Joe, Regina, Laura, Sunil, Lizzy).
After the race and a little R&R on my couch... my mom, Kathy and I made the trek to Brooklyn to see the 27th annual Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Although we only got to spend a few hours there, it was well worth it to see the 220 cherry trees and various Japanese cultural events activities going on... not to mention the yummy vegetarian bento boxes they were serving! For those who haven't been to this's a spring time must!
After a day filled with charity and culture... it was time for some... debauchery. Not that we ever need a reason, but this time we were celebrating the 5th anniversary of Flawless Media, that lively little nightlife marketing & PR company run by good friends Jen, John and Lisa. I wasn't there for the *original* and now infamous loft party five years ago but I'm fairly certain this year's edition will go down in both the history books and the Book of Bad Ideas. The private loft space, an open bar care of Red Bull and the music of Bennett, Eric Andrew (Sofa King), Stadenco and Hector Romero was MORE than enough to inspire sustained silliness. I had an absolute blast dancing my a$$ off up on the platform in front of the booth with friends both new and old. Joel and Hector both played peak time bomb-age which had everyone going nuts. Of course the night was sprinkled with all sorts of antics some of which will be talked about for years to come... and others of which, well... will also be talked about for years to come. Thanks again to Flawless for the all of the fun and friendship over the years. Much respect! xoxo
Kisses to Phil and Dany (who I met at the Rico Loco party in Montreal and happened to be in NYC this weekend) and to David (one of the newest members of Dancing Rams army) for bringing such an awesome energy to the party! And to TT for ditching her studies to rock out till the end!