It was a really, really tall order to top 2006 but somehow, some way we managed to do it.
My Pride really didn't start until Sunday at 3am when me, Nora, Anne and Julie woke up to pre-game and head over to Alegria at Webster Hall. As expected the main room was packed like gay naked sardines - it was so hot that literally the walls and the stairs were sweating. The good news is that Ric Sena rented an additional, massive AC unit, parked it on the street and pumped it into the upstairs balcony. Downstairs was truly unbearable so we went upstairs, perched ourselves in the front row of the balcony with a stiff, cool breeze at our backs and got the party started. We danced and danced and danced... made friends, fan'd 'coochies' and other private parts, danced and danced some more. It wasn't until around 8am that the main floor had some breathing room - we finally jumped into the middle of madness. We spent the next few hours between our two spots and danced our little tooshies off - so much fun! I even ran into a few old friends from some of the first Alegria and Evolve parties I attended. We lasted in the sweat box until 10:30am when we saw the sun was shining outside and heard that some of our peeps were gathered on a roof deck in the east village.

After a short stint on the hot rooftop we decided that SHOWERS were a MUST. Anne went back to her place and Nora and I cruised back to mine to cleanup and rest (we lost Julie a few hours earlier). We did manage to shower but somehow decided that margaritas were a better choice than sleep. So... off to Cuba Cafe in Chelsea where met a fully-rested Zivy and a slightly rested, Julie. After some food, margaritas, mojitos and a downpour... we created a spontaneous dance party in the restaurant that spilled outside. I'm not quite sure how it happened but I wound up on the sidewalk outside the restaurant screaming at every passerby to "congo congo congo!" The only problem was that I was trying to get them to "limbo limbo limbo!" Whatever! I quickly revised my chant and proceeded to make a few hundred Pride revelers and innocent bystanders limbo under me and Julie's linked arms. It was definitely a big hit with everyone! Well, except this one guy who said, "stop touching me... don't talk to me... get out of this neighborhood." Umm, ok weirdo!

After we did the limbo and Nora found her gay baby daddy, we went to the Parade. But first... we bought a bottle of champagne, I convinced two hugging strangers to pose for a steamy photo shoot which ended with them both laying flat out on the street and I took pictures of myself in the reflection of some random dude's sunglasses. Oh yeah...the parade! As soon as we got to the Parade on 5th Avenue it started to rain...hard. So we did what 97% of people would not do... and we jumped INTO the parade and started marching south. We surveyed a few nearby floats and groups but decided nobody was hot enough or cool enough to deserve us. The disgustingly hot black guys on the W Hotel float were the first contenders but they were way too bitchy. Then we found a group of 20 of the hottest hot hots we'd ever seen and joined their group. It wasn't for a few blocks that we realized why everyone was cheering so loud for us (I mean, them)... they were PORN STARS. Perfect! We finished out the entire parade route drinking champagne, jumping on and biting the butts of the porn stars, putting stickers on #$@?s and otherwise acting silly. And at that point the day was only getting started.
Pinching Porn Star Butts
Champagne Celebration

As we walked up Greenwich Ave in our post-parade bliss (and SOPPING WET clothes), I saw a cute guy standing against an apartment building door so I did the next thing that popped into my brain... I took his hat off, kissed his bald head and wished him a Happy Pride. He LOVED IT and promptly invited us inside to his friend's party filled with models, photogs and a bunch of other fabulous people. And they welcomed us with open arms (as well as yummy Pimm's, white sangria, prosciutto and melon) despite our wet poodle appearance. After some indoor mingling we went back out to the sidewalk with my baldy friend to re-start the "limbo limbo limbo" game from earlier in the day. It was a big hit again...and this time no weirdos! I also vaguely remember jumping on a moving golf cart, flashing my a$$, jumping on someone's back and whipping people with a belt. Sometime around 7pm we realized we had to make the move to The Porch...we said goodbyes, collected some phone numbers and invited our new friends to join us later.

Lots of love to Nora, Anne, Julie and Zivy who were wicked partners in crime! And some more love to John, Jen and Lisa who we missed dearly. Thanks for the hook-ups at both venues!
In separate but related news - two friends of mine (the sheep from The Bizarre Bazaar) got married on a float in San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade. For those who don't know, California recently legalized gay marriage. Click here to watch footage from Steve & Casey's wedding on the local San Fran news! Congratulations boys - so happy for you!