Pacha Barcelona is a bit of a posh venue so I hadn't been too anxious to check it out. That is, until Larent Garnier was booked there. We rounded up a crew of school and non-school party people and finally made the pilgrimage to check out the club. I was so excited to see what kind of goodies Laurent would have in store after catching some of his DJ and live sets at I Love Techno last month in Belgium. The venue was in fact, fairly posh, and geared toward the more upscale party peeps. However, our crew was not to be stopped... we came, we danced, we made party, like only we do. Laurent did not disappoint, playing all over the electronic spectrum inspiring both us and the poshies to boogie the entire night. Apparently no set is complete these days without some version of Rej so Laurent dropped it 3/4 of the way into the night and then finished his set with "Man with a Red Face," which is always great to hear. After the party ended, we cruised back to Casa Arago for a fiesta and photo session on la terrazza. LEGENDARY.

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