I actually hadn't been to a formal since the very first one after orientation week in the fall of 2005. I spent the last two years setting expectations really low so when everyone finally saw me in a saucy dress they'd be blown away. If there's one thing I've learned in business school, it's under promise and over deliver and that's exactly what I did (-; The prom (let's be honest, that's what it really is) was pretty typical... buffet, booze, dresses, shirts, ties and of course CHEESY music. I knew the event would probably need to be infused with a little crazy, so I devised a plan two days earlier. As most people know, I was an uber-jock in high school and wore dresses *even less* back then. I never got to be Homecoming or Prom Queen and when it hit me that this would truly be my last prom, I decided to take things into my own hands. Sometime around 11pm, Beth and I approached the DJ and told her that we needed her to announce this year's Prom Queen in 10 minutes. I hid around the corner and put on a homemade Kellogg Prom Queen sash and tiara and got ready for my big moment. The DJ came on the microphone and announced me as the 2007 Prom Queen. I took Blee and Sunil by the arms and walked up the stairs and on to the gigantic stage as "Like a Virgin" blared in the background. I did my best Miss America wave and then started werking the stage like a runway, doing the forbidden dance with my kings and freaking the speaker stand. I looked up to a room full of my classmates clapping and snapping photos... some laughing, some in disbelief and I'm sure some too drunk to notice the commotion. I grabbed the 6 foot female DJ and twirled her around a bit, danced some more and then took one final bow at the end of my song. I was greeted with hugs, lots of of laughing, smiling faces and of course... photo requests. Finally after all these years, me... the PQ!!

The prom ended at midnight and after a total clusterf*%k of people looking at each other and trying to decide where to go, me, Gal and Dan decided to head to Funky Buddha Lounge with a fairly sizable crew. Before we got to the cab, Dan and I jumped (illegally) on one of the ships parked along the pier. Dan climbed the rope ladder ala Captain Jack Sparrow while I stood on the front of the ship yelling "Iceberg right ahead!" Unfortunately Gal was too busy with his beloved Blackberry to get any good photos. After an hour or two of drinking kamikaze shots and grinding to hip hop at Funky Buddha we went to Rino, a swank lounge in River North for more hip hop grinding. We hung around for awhile, but then I finally decided to call it quits when I noticed that Dan was sleeping standing up in the middle of the club. KJ, Dan and Gal all snored on the cab ride home... and for the first time in a LONG time, I actually didn't go to BK Lounge before going to sleep.
"Livin on a Prayer" ... one last time!

The "windmill-behind-the-back-through-the-legs-supreme":

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