Well actually for me it was more like: 1 hour. 1 spin bike. No Guinness World Record. Pain. At 2am on Friday night/Saturday morning I trekked up to Grand Central Station to participate in Saints & Spinners, a 24-hour spin party and benefit to raise money to fight teen obesity. This time last year I was jumping into Lake Michigan for charity (click here if you missed that moment of stupidity...) so I didn't hesitate when given the chance to do something good that didn't involve the loss of feeling in my extremities.
Somehow I managed to find ONE partner in crime for this event - an old buddy from Princeton. Christine and I were both a bit grouchy to start the ride since we had napped beforehand; however, we quickly woke up once the burn set in and were all smiles at the end knowing we had done a body and a charity some good! In addition to all of the normal participants, there were also a few guys riding the entire time trying to set a world record (which they already done by the time we arrived!). Gotta love their effort and enthusiasm but I'm not so sure sitting on a bike that long is good for the... ummm...
In any case... good times, good times! Can't wait for the next random-middle-of-the-night-NYC-event!

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