And this just in, you can also do trivia for free flour here!
While we're on the topic, also check out their sister site Poverty.com which tallies the deaths per hour around the world for poverty-related illnesses like Hunger, AIDS, Pneumonia, Diarrhea, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Measles. According to the site: "The United Nations estimates that the cost to end world hunger completely, along with diseases related to hunger and poverty, is about $195 billion a year. Twenty-two countries have joined together to raise this money by each contributing 0.7% (less than 1%) of national income. Some of the countries have already met this goal. Others are being a little slow, but this can be fixed. You can see how the countries are doing here. Get involved by going here.
If you like this idea of *clicking* to help causes:
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_species.html - Protect Wildlife!
http://www.buildaschool.org - Help build a School!
http://www.e-inclusionsite.org/en/clickDonate.php - Promote IT!
http://www.theliteracysite.com - Free Books to the poor!
http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=education - Help Educate!
http://stopglobalwarming.care2.com/ - Offset Carbon, Stop Warming!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_pol.html - Reduce Pollution!
http://www.theenvironmentsite.org/donate.php - Help the Environment!
http://cannecy.free.fr/solar/index.php - Create Free Solar Energy!
http://www.ettklickforskogen.se/engelska/ettKlickeng.asp - Help Old Forests!
http://www.tree4life.com/ingles/ingles.htm - Plant a tree in Brazil!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/_donate_us.html - Save the Wilderness!
http://ecologyfund.com/ecology/donate_plant_tree.html - Plant a Tree!
http://redjellyfish.com/ - Help the Rainforest!
http://rainforest.care2.com/ - Help our Rainforests!
http://breastcancer.care2.com - Prevent Breast Cancer!
http://www.giveaminute.org/ - Give Healthcare!
http://www.thebreastcancersite.com - Stop Breast Cancer!
http://www.thechildhealthsite.com - Child Healthcare!
http://www.thestophivsite.com - Stop HIV/AIDS!
http://www.craigresearchlabs.com/cancer.html - Stop Cancer!
http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=food - Start a Crop!
http://www.povertyfighters.com - Help Raise Money!
http://www.solvepoverty.com - Help Jobs!
http://dsmith11.tripod.com - Help Health and Poverty!
http://www.accse.net/rasa/donacion-rasa.html - Help Agriculture!
http://www.freeflour.com/ - Free Flour!
http://children.care2.com - Feed Children!
http://www.bhook.com/ - Feed People!
http://www.click2care.org - Feed People!
http://www.clickbokin.ekokoro.jp/50.html - Feed People!
http://www.feedsa.co.za - Feed People!
http://www.freerice.com - Feed Rice!
http://www.hungerfighters.com - Feed People!
http://www.hungrychildren.com - Feed Children!
http://stopviolence.care2.com - Stop Violence against Women!
http://www.clearlandmines.com - Stop Land mines!
http://www.ripple.org/give.php?p=water - Give 6 days of clean water!
http://www.cliquesemiarido.org.br/eng/default.asp - Free Clean Water!
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