Everybody has one summer date with a huge red circle around it - that one party they look forward to all year round. For me it's Saisha's pool party which this year was aptly named the Shagtastic Summer Swim-A-Thon for Sinners. In years past I've done a lot *in the name* of the party - pulled off one of a kind diving board stunts, been electrocuted and lost 12 hours due to overly baked baked goods. This year I took my commitment to new levels providing enough shagtastic sinning for everyone in attendance...ha! The SSSfS will definitely go down in the record books for that reason and those listed below:
--Miss Pool Party 2008 - the babe-alicious, Sai
--A swim-up vodka, hookah and whip-it bar (what?!?!)
--The Spiderman slip & slide
--An ALL GIRLS hot tub
--An ALL BOYS volleyball game which ended with some naked laps around the front yard (apparently this is the only thing they could think to do when we banished them from the hot tub - ha!)
--Guest appearance by Connor Paolo (who plays Eric van der Woodsen on the hit CW show Gossip Girl)
--Lester, the underwater molester
--Seeing a fire crotch in a saran wrap diaper
--A pool full of people in tin foil accessories
--Googley eyes on tatas, in the toilet, on cups, on shirts, on glasses...everywhere!
--Bikini bottom headwear
--A lethal spank which drew blood (sorry Keith!)
--A full on pool dance party (finally!)
--Amazing music by Kevin, Mike, Tony, Lloyd, Jymmi and Joel!
--Saran wrap mummy diving
--Underwater misbehavior
--Out of water misbehavior
--An impromptu dance party in Penn Station
Thanks to Sai and Dale for the amazing hospitality and to everyone else who had a hand in my sinning! A big apology to the Chief Hooker for my lack of attendance on Saturday night... I was sooo hungover before I even got back to the city.

Saturday was so inspirational that the sinning continued on Sunday with an afternoon visit to the Stiletto party at Ono (at the Hotel Gansevoort) with Julie and friends. I should have known continued boozing was going to lead to more trouble... and oh boy did it! Somehow we managed to score an invite from a friend to go party on the massively pimp,
Forbes yacht docked at Pier 60. I never thought I'd board a yacht bigger than the ones we chartered in Turkey but at 151 feet Mr. Forbes outdid us! The shenanigans continued (obviously). I'll spare the details (and the crew members) in case this entry turns up on a Google search (-; After that it was off to east village for Kim's birthday at The Porch. And more shenanigans. Do you see a pattern here?

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