Yet another RIDICULOUS outing!
The highlights and key learnings:
--After partying with me all weekend, my friend Sami went to the airport, but was asked to give up his seat. He told them "hell yeah," took the money, changed in the bathroom and ran back on the El train to come meet us out in Boystown. After the party ended at 4am, he got back on the train, fell asleep and accidentally went around the Loop twice, all while getting hit on by some guy! When he finally got back to Midway, he tried unsuccessfully to check-in to his Delta flight at the United Airlines desk. Not good. After arriving in NYC, he had to be told to get off the plane. He then got on the bus to midtown, but inexplicably got off in Queens. ROCKSTAR! Haha!!
--I finally learned that we don't have to take our clothes off... to have a good time. Oh no. We could dance & party all night (all night), and drink some cherry wine. Uh huh.
--Matt loves the fireman's carry. If only he had made it out to Boystown for the *real* thing!
--Planning to "go home early" from Madonna-Rama is never a good idea.
--I <3 corn-fed gay boys from Nebraska! And they <3 me!
--Caryn may say she's going home, but she's really not. Happy Birthday, woman!
--Give 'em 80s music and a dance floor and Kellogg kids will freak everything in sight!
--Dan is an animal and I love him for it! Except when he player hates me for scoring digits from all the boys!
--Blee is a pimp trapped in a management consultant's body.
--Heather's got some freaky-deaky dance floor moves. Oh yes, she does! And that Taylor, he's so hot this season (especially with his shirt off!)
--Yvonne's Be-dazzler is definitely coming out for next month!
--The BK loves the shades!
--Congrats to Ram for finding the only vampire in there!
--All you have to do is ask the cab driver *politely* and he'll rock it out with you the whole way home! (See video)
--Missah gets paid to party! See you in Detroit, kid!
--KJ is my partner in crime... FOR EVA!
--Sunrises in Evanston are amazing! We need to hit the beach for one before the end of the year!
See you all next month! Sadly it will be our last Madonna-Rama!

Taxi cab party!
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