My friends rock! No really, they do. And, it's time to call out another one of my uber talented and vibrant friends. JT and MJ ain't got nuttin on Pliver, who has been bringing sexy back since the moment I met him last fall. Oliver (aka Pliver) is originally from Costa Rica, but was living in Barcelona when I moved there last September. KJ and I joined him and his sister, Nicole, and quickly formed a unstoppable foursome, wreaking havoc all over Spain and beyond. Pliver left Barcelona

in November, but I was reunited with him in Costa Rica in March, where sexy was brought back and back and back one more time! Pliver is an amazing graphic artist (he designed the ridiculous Dancing Rams flyer!!) and more importantly a truly unique and incredible friend. One of those people that no matter how far away we are at any given time, he still always feels close. Enjoy some pictures of my amigo loco below!
Pliver on My Space

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