Tuesday, October 25, 2005

2005 Move Against AIDS!!! (10/26/05)

Once again, it's time... to shake my booty for a cure!

Move Against AIDS, the 5-hour dance-a-thon to benefit Gay Men's Health Crisis is back again this year. Last fall I raised $2,220 -- making me the #18 fundraiser overall -- THANKS TO THE INCREDIBLE GENEROSITY OF MY FRIENDS. I felt strongly that my new location should not be a factor in whether or not I support this amazing event again this year. Since I can't be in NYC in early December (I'll be taking my final exams), I've decided to try and organize a crew of friends in Chicago for my own little, virtual dance-a-thon. As most of you know, I don't need an excuse to get out and dance for a few hours so I PROMISE, you will still get your money's worth!!

As you all know, this is a very important issue to me and this fundraiser serves as a way to send a message to the world that AIDS is still a crisis and to raise money for GMHC, the nation's first and most comprehensive AIDS service organization. GMHC provides direct, life-sustaining services to people who really need the help. Did you know that in the US half of all new infections occur in people under the age of 25 and that one in 50 men in Manhattan is HIV+? That's enough to make me wanna get off my ass and do something about this awful disease.


Sunday, October 16, 2005

We Came to Make Party ::: Bill Patrick & Lee Burridge @ SoundBar (10/14/05)

Finally... a well deserved, crazy night out in Chicago! It only took Bill Patrick and Lee Burridge playing at SoundBar and a good buddy in town from NYC to bring me out of retirement. What a night! As expected, Billy and Lee tore the place to shreds and me and the crew rocked out on the dancefloor all night. We even got to "ride the white horse," woot!
A special shout-out goes to the Germans who "came to make party" as well as the bschool heads who made a stellar showing. A pleasure rockin out with all of you... finally! And, of course I have to give all the love in the world to Steve who let Nora and I take the party to another level at afterhours. There's nothing quite like spinning records that are still in the sleeve! Afterhours was sponsored by Urban Promotions...ha!

Nora and I finished off the weekend with a bit of sleep, some bloody marys, fish tacos, darts, cheesy dancefloor antics and some flag football. What more could I ask for? Well... Nora, could you come back next weekend? Until next time! xoxo