Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Good, The Bad and Midterms (2/06)

Much of winter break and all of our time since returning to school has been spent whipping each other into a frenzy about landing a summer internship. No talk of classes, social lives, politics or weather (well, maybe a little... Its COLD!!!) - its all about the J-O-B, baby.

So far I've interviewed with five companies...which brings me to THE BAD. I've been "dinged" (that's b-school speak for REJECTED) by three of them and am about to be dinged by two more early next week. Well, at least that's what its looking like. Rest assured, I'm not the only one in ding-land right now. All my friends are going through the same thing (not sure what that says about my choice of friends, but anyway...) and we've found some nice ways to express ourselves on our Skype/IM mood messages.

A few selections:
--Ding Me Baby One More Time
--Dinga What? Dinga Who?
--Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead
--Gettin Dingy With It
--Can I Get a Ding Ding?
--Proud Citizen of Dingestan

THE GOOD is that I have seven more interviews over the next three weeks and have been told that "it will all work out" by more than one second year. However, the real GOOD news came on Friday when I found out that I was accepted to the exchange program and will study abroad next fall at IESE in Barcelona, Spain. I am ecstatic! And in even more GOOD news, one of my partners in crime will be joining me!

In the midst of all this interviewing and exchange madness, we also had MIDTERMS to deal with. I had the pleasure of being violated by a Full-Reinvestment Average Total Cost Curve (Microeconomics) last Thursday and just finished my Statistics take-home exam about an hour ago. Nothing shouts "amazing social life" like a Stats midterm on a Saturday night... oh, how things have changed! My only consolation this week is that we don't have any problem sets due and have been given the assignment of "watching the Super Bowl" for Advertising Strategy.

Given my extreme dorkiness, I'm signing off to do some prep for interviews. Stay tuned on my future employment prospects! I'll be in touch with some of you shortly to a) ask for a job, b) ask for money, c) ask for pity, d) ask for a spot on your couch for the summer and e) find out when you're coming to Barcelona!


Anonymous said...

i have feeling that there is one hot job in your future. rawr! the chief of staff position is always yours if you want it.

Anonymous said...

Rest assured, job or no job the "Care Packages" will keep coming. You won't starve.